Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is the duration of education for students who re-enrolled with student amnesty?

Students who re-register by benefiting from student amnesty are considered as newly enrolled students. Regardless of whether the relevant students are enrolled every semester or not, their education periods are as follows;

* Duration of master’s program with thesis: 4 semesters, maximum 6 semesters.

* Duration of doctoral program: 8 semesters, maximum 12 semesters.

Question 2: Is it possible to transfer from a non-thesis master’s program to a master’s program with thesis? How does the transition process work? Geçiş süreci nasıl işler?

According to Article 13 of the Karabük University Postgraduate Education Regulation (2024), students who meet the minimum application requirements and have a general grade average of at least 85 out of 100 or at least 3.50 out of 4.00 and who have successfully completed the course period in the non-thesis master’s program and graduated, can transfer to the thesis master’s program.

Students in this scope must apply to the department by filling out the [UNİKA-FRM-0095] form in order to transfer to the thesis master’s program after graduating from the non-thesis master’s program.

The student’s application is evaluated and his/her transition to the thesis master’s program is completed with the positive opinion of the department/art department board and the decision of the Institute’s Board of Directors. At the end of the process, the courses taken in the non-thesis master’s program can be counted in place of the courses in the thesis master’s program with the proposal of the department/art department board and the decision of the Institute’s Board of Directors.

Question 3: What are the procedures for taking the thesis defense exam?

Students who want to take the thesis defense exam submit their theses prepared in accordance with the Institute’s spelling rules to their advisors. With the approval of their advisors, they submit the relevant Thesis Exam Jury Recommendation Form (UNICA-FRM-0081 for Master’s students, UNICA-FRM-0076 for PhD students). They fill out the application form in accordance with the relevant articles of the Karabuk University Graduate Education and Training Regulations and submit it to the heads of the department/major at least 15 days before the exam date. The thesis jury is appointed upon the recommendation of the thesis advisor and the heads of the department/art department and the approval of The Institute of Graduate Programs Executive Board.

Question 4: Can the failed courses be deleted?

Failed courses cannot be deleted from the student’s system. Students can retake the failed course in the following semester or take another course by counting the related courses.

Question 5: How can I find out the number of semesters in graduate education and the number of semesters remaining before dismissal?

Students can log in to the Student Information System (OBS) with their username and password to find out which semester they are in. Regardless of whether students are enrolled every semester or not, the maximum period of study is 6 semesters for master’s students and 12 semesters for doctoral students, and the number of semesters remaining can be calculated here.

Question 6: When can I take the thesis defense exam?

Master’s students are entitled to take the thesis defense exam after successfully completing 21 national credits and 120 ECTS credits, and doctoral students after successfully completing 21 national credits and 240 ECTS credits and 3 thesis monitoring committees. Students must take the thesis defense exam by the deadline specified in Karabük University Graduate Academic Processes Calendar before their maximum period expires.

Question 7: Where can I find out the dates of the course?

The dates of the course taking week can be found in the Academic Calendar on the web page of Karabuk University The Intitute of Graduate Programs.

Question 8: When can a second advisor be appointed?

Master’s students can submit their thesis submission forms to the Institute of Graduate Programs through the Head of Department. After the decisions of the Institute of Graduate Programs Administrative Board to determine the thesis topics are taken, doctoral students can fill out the “UNİKA-FRM-0088 Second Advisor Appointment Request Form” and submit it to the Head of Department for the appointment of their second advisors after they take the thesis proposal defense (TÖS) exams. The Institute of Graduate Programs Administrative Board decides that the thesis proposal defense exam results are successful.

Question 9: When can I take the doctoral qualifying exam?

Students who have successfully completed their courses and seminar can take the doctoral qualifying exam, provided that they have taken the Doctoral Qualifying courses in the following semester. Students admitted with a master’s degree must take the qualifying exam by the end of the fifth semester at the latest, and students admitted with a bachelor’s degree must take the qualifying exam by the end of the seventh semester. A student can take the qualifying exam at most twice.

Question 10: When should the thesis monitoring committee be formed? /span>

After the PhD Qualifying Examination is successfully completed, the thesis monitoring committee must be formed by filling out the UNICA-FRM-0071 Doctoral Thesis Monitoring Committee Appointment Form within one month at the latest with the recommendation of the heads of the department / art department and the approval of The Institute of Graduate Programs Executive Board.

Question 11: When can a doctoral program student take the Thesis Proposal Defense (TÖS) exam?

Students who have successfully completed the doctoral qualifying exam must take the Thesis Proposal Defense exam within six months (Karabuk University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Article 12-3). The relevant students must fill out the UNIKA-FRM-0072 Thesis Proposal Defense Exam Date Notification Form and submit it to the heads of the department/major at least 15 days before the thesis proposal defense exam date.

Question 12: 12. Is it possible to transfer from a master’s program with a thesis to a master’s program without a thesis?

Candidates who want to switch to a non-thesis master’s program while they are a student in a master’s program with a thesis can switch to a non-thesis master’s program with the positive opinion of the department board and the decision of The Institute of Graduate Programs Executive Board if they apply to heads of the department / artdepartment by filling out the UNİKA-FRM-0095 Student General Petition Form at the end of the course period. The student who passes the non-thesis master’s program in this way must meet the requirements for graduation from the non-thesis master’s program. A period of one semester is given to meet the relevant conditions (Karabuk University Graduate Education and Training Regulation Article 12-3.

Question 13: What is the procedure for counting the courses taken as a special student or in previous graduate programs?

In order for the courses taken as a special student or in previous graduate programs to be counted in the enrolled program, a petition regarding the course count request should be prepared, and an application should be made to the relevant heads of the department / art department by attaching the approved transcript and course content of the relevant courses.

Question 14: How many semesters in total can be suspended in graduate education?

A maximum of 2 semesters of registration can be suspended in graduate education. Students who wish to suspend their registration must apply by filling out the UNIKA-FRM-0095 Student General Petition Form with the approval of their advisor.

Question 15: When should the thesis be submitted after the thesis defense exam?

Students who are successful in the thesis exam must send their thesis to within one month from the exam date to ensure that it is checked in terms of thesis writing rules. If a request is made by filling out the UNIKA-FRM-0095 Student General Petition Form, The Institute of Graduate Programs Administrative Board may extend the submission period for a maximum of one more month.

Question 16: Does the thesis approval page have to be wet-signed?

The thesis approval page must be submitted with a wet signature. Suppose the thesis defense exam was held semi-online/online. In that case, the document should be submitted with an online note instead of the signature of the jury members other than Karabük University academic staff.