The First Graduation Ceremony was Celebrated with Enthusiasm at the Institute of Graduate Programs

Karabük University Institute of Graduate Programs experienced the joy of graduation in the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

650 students from Karabük University Institute of Graduate Programs experienced the excitement of graduation at the ceremony held at the 15 July Martyrs Conference Hall. The graduation ceremony, held for the first time at the Institute of Graduate Programs, was welcomed with great satisfaction by master's and doctoral students. Graduating students shared their happiness with their families and friends.


Karabük University Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Kırışık's wife Ebru Kırışık, Karabük University Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Elif Çepni and Prof. Dr. İsmail Rakıp Karaş, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Tahir Kahraman, Dean of the Faculty of Letters Prof. Dr. Muhittin Kapanşahin, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Ersin Müezzinoğlu, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Müslüm Kuzu, Director of the Institute of Graduate Programs Assoc. Dr. Zeynep Özcan, Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School Director Dr. Lecturer Member Fatma Erten, Director of Vocational School of Social Sciences and Socialfest Coordinator Dr. Lecturer Member Gökhan Oruç Önalan, Director of the School of Foreign Languages ​​Dr. Faculty Member Mustafa Polat, Head of Health Culture and Sports Department Özcan Büyükgenç, academic and administrative staff, students and their families and many guests attended the graduation program held at the 15 July Martyrs Conference Hall.

The graduation ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, continued with promotional films and watching the KBÜ Anthem.


Karabük University Rector Prof. attended the graduation ceremony via video recording. Dr. Fatih Kırışık said, “Dear friends, master's and doctoral processes are very important processes on the way to academicianship. These processes may be quite challenging and troublesome at first, but they are extremely valuable and valuable times in the process of learning the profession. Over time, as you learn these jobs and progress through your master's and doctoral education, you will understand the value of research, learning, and science, and over time, you will fall in love with this job. Many academics, after learning this job, have great excitement and enthusiasm while writing articles, doing projects, and carrying out their research, and are devoted to this job with great love, enthusiasm and passion, and spend their entire lives even during summer holidays, even in their free time, on weekends and holidays. He even devotes time and values ​​his academic research. Therefore, being a researcher is a very valuable and valuable field. To become scientists, we need to go through these processes, learn these achievements and these methods. I think you all have these feelings and thoughts. We want the work you have done on the path to becoming an academician to continue to develop and emerge in a way that will bring great gains to our country, nation and state. I wish you all success in your lives and great success in your academic studies. "May your path and good fortune be good," he said.


Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Rakıp Karaş said, “We have reached the required number of universities in proportion to our young population, but we need to make progress in terms of training faculty members. We must work to create excellent staff in these universities. That's what the Graduate School of Education does. It is a very important duty to train our country's teachers, professors and faculty members. The Institute of Graduate Programs is an institution that trains professors who will develop the infrastructure of our country, create its identity in every sense, and educate people. Therefore, these efforts are not in vain, rest assured that these students will take on very important duties in the coming years. Many of them will perform very sacred duties and represent us in beautiful places, universities and various institutions. As for Karabük University, it is a university founded in 2007, and although it is considered young, it is a very fast-growing university. It was founded in 2007, and just a year or two later, we opened master's and doctoral programs in many of our departments. Look at the staff of our neighboring universities today. You will see that many of them have their doctorates from Karabük University. This is truly a great success. This rapid growth was, of course, realized with the contribution of our past administrators and our current administrative staff and Rectors, and it is a source of great pride for us. "I wish our graduate friends to achieve many great successes and have a happy graduation," he said.


Director of the Institute of Graduate Programs, Assoc. Dr. Zeynep Özcan said, “As the entire Karabük University family, we are experiencing the excitement and happiness of graduating after a successful education process. However, as the Graduate Education Institute family, the excitement we experience is on a much different level. Thank you all very much for sharing with us the excitement of holding a graduation ceremony for the first time and for not leaving us alone on this meaningful day. As it is known, Postgraduate Education refers to higher education in master's, doctorate or art proficiency programs after an undergraduate education. Postgraduate education, preferred by people who want to improve themselves academically or build a career, is completely voluntary. I wholeheartedly congratulate our beloved graduates who participated in this process with their own will and will and overcame all kinds of difficulties and received the title of specialist or doctor as a result of great effort and effort, and I would like to express my special gratitude to our precious families who did not leave them alone during this difficult process and did not spare their support by making all kinds of sacrifices. "I would like to do it," he said.


After the speeches, the program continued with poetry and music recitals.


Certificates of achievement were presented to the academicians who produced the highest number of graduates with master's and doctoral degrees in their fields.

In addition, certificates of achievement were presented to the students who did the most academic work in their fields.

At the graduation ceremony, certificates of achievement were given to the students who received degrees with the social models they prepared at Socialfest.




After the presentation of their certificates of achievement, the students experienced the joy of graduation by throwing their caps into the air together.


The program ended with a photo taken together to commemorate the day.