Will you take Scientific Preparation Program?
Find out which courses you must take from your department. You can get help from institute staff in order to see courses to take in UBYS system.
1st Semester (Course phase)

- Minimum 21 credits (7 courses with 3 credits) are necessary to start thesis phase. Courses phase consists of two semester in normal conditions.
- Successful completion of the credited courses required for the Ph. D. program is four semesters for those who are admitted with a M. Sc. Graduation and six semesters for those who are admitted with a bachelor's degree. Students who can not successfully complete their credit courses within this period or who can not provide a GPA of at least 3 out of 4 total points are dissociated from the university.
- Each semester, during the course and thesis phase, students select the course and thesis work by using the student information system within the period determined in the academic calendar, and submit the outputs, approved by the advisor and the head of the department, to presidency of department. (Up to 5 lessons per semester!)
-The student must succeed by repeating lessons that fail. In the case of compulsory cases, with the proposal of the advisor, thanks to the decision of the board of education and approval of the institute board, student may take another course instead of a course which the student fails.
- At the end of the 1st semester, make the choice of your thesis advisor! (Form D1, Form D2)
2nd Semester (Course phase)

- Take the remaining courses in order to complete 21 credits.(Up to 5 lessons per semester!)
- Take the courses again you failed in previous semester/semesters.
- If you will complete 21 credits and failed courses are not available in this semester,. you can choose another course by requesting to department with a petition.
- Choose "Ph. D. Seminar" course. After the seminar presentation, deliver "Ph. D. Seminar Course Application Form (Form D4)" to the department.
21 credits completed and succeeded Seminar course?
3rd Semester (Qualification)

- The students who are admitted to the graduate level must take the proficiency exam at the latest until the end of the fifth semester and the students who are accepted at the undergraduate level at the latest at the end of the seventh semester.
- Choose  "Ph. D. Qualification" and "Ph. D. Field of Specialization" courses.
- Qualification exams are held in June June and December.
- Determine your examination date in one of these two periods with the forms of "Ph. D. Qualification Examination Form (Form D5)" and "Ph. D. Qualification Examination Jury Appointment Form (Form D6)" and submit at least 20 days before the examination date.
- Student who fails to take the exam on the day and time announced, without an excuse accepted by the Graduate School Administrative Board Resolution, shall be deemed unsuccessful.
Qualification exam result?
Failed (First time)
Failed (2 times)
4th Semester (Thesis Proposal Defense)

- "Thesis Monitoring Committee" should be established within 1 month at the latest from the qualification examination date. At this stage, "Ph. D. Thesis Monitoring Committee Assignment Form (Form D9)"  form will be deliverd to the department.
- Choose "Ph. D. Thesis Research" and "Ph. D. Field of Specialization" courses.
- Thesis Defense Examination" should be done within 6 months at the latest from the qualification exam date. "Ph. D. Thesis Proposal Defense Exam Date Notification Form (Form D10)" will be delivered to the department.
- The student distributes a report on the thesis proposal to the members of the committee at least 15 days before the defense.
Without a valid excuse, the student who does not enter to defending the thesis proposal within the time limit is considered as unsuccessful and the thesis proposal is rejected !!!
Thesis Proposal Defense
Student, whose thesis proposal was refused, has the right to choose a new advisor and/or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee may be appointed. If the student, who wishes to continue with the same advisor is within three months, the student who changes the subject of the thesis and advisor is taken back to the defense of the thesis proposal within six months.
First Refused / Not Attented
Thesis Monitoring

- The thesis monitoring committee meets twice a year between January-June and July-December. There must be at least 5 months between two meetings.
- The thesis monitoring committee will be determined by department with "Ph. D. Thesis Monitoring Committee Meeting Date Notification Form (Form D12)" to determine the meeting date
- The student shall submit a written report to the committee members at least 15 days before the meeting date.
- Choose "Ph. D. Thesis Research" and "Ph. D. Field of Specialization" courses.
- Without an excuse accepted by the Graduate School Administrative Board Resolution, a student who fails to submit a report within the period and fails to take the exam on the day and the time announced is considered unsuccessful.
Thesis Monitoring Committee Result?
Failed two times in a row or three times in total
Failed (less than two times in a row or three times in total)
(Thesis Defense)

- In order to graduate, it is necessary to have completed at least 240 ECTS.
- The student, who wishes to submit a doctoral thesis, must provide the conditions for a doctoral scientific publication determined by the Senate.
- Choose "Ph. D. Thesis Research" and "Ph. D. Field of Specialization" courses.
-- The advisor shall submit a plagiarism report and a copy of thesis to the relevant institute through the relevant department at least one month (30 days) prior to the date of the examination recommended, with the sight that the thesis is defensible.
- To determine the exam date and jury, please contact the department with the "Ph. D. Defense Examination Jury Proposal Form (Form D15)".
Successful three or more Thesis Monitoring Committe
Thesis defense result?
Make sure that the juries in your defense fill the "Ph. D. Defense Examination Report Form (Form D16)" and hand it to department.
- You can graduate by completing "Graduation procedures" within at the least 1 month after the thesis defense exam date.
- If you can not complete "Graduation procedures" within 1 month after the thesis defense exam date; and if you have a valid excuse, you can take an extra month with the Graduate School Administrative Board Resolution.
Did you complete
Graduation procedures?
Congratulations you are graduated !!!!
- Tezi hakkında düzeltme kararı verilen öğrenci en geç altı ay içinde gerekli düzeltmeleri yaparak tezini, anabilim dalı başkanlığının teklif ettiği ve enstitü kurulunun onayladığı tarih, saat ve yerde, aynı jüri önünde yeniden savunur.

2. Refused/Not Attented

The student whose thesis proposal is rejected twice, dissociated from the university !

The student, who is considered as failed two times over in a row or intermittently three times by the commitee, dissosiated from the university!!!

The student whose thesis is rejected, dissociated from the university!!!

Students who do not fulfill the necessary conditions can not take their diploma until the conditions are fulfilled, they can not benefit from the student's rights and they are dismissed if the maximum duration expires.

Students who fail twice in the qualification test will be dissociated!