Will you take Scientific Preparation Program?
Find out which courses you must take from your department. You can get help from institute staff in order to see courses to take in UBYS system.
1st Semester (Course phase)

- Minimum 21 credits (7 courses with 3 credits) are necessary to start thesis phase. The course phase is normally 2 semesters. 
- "Scientific Research Techniques and Scientific Ethics" course is compulsory. 
- Choose as many lessons as you want by your planning. (Up to 5 lessons per semester!)
At the end of the 1st semester, determine your thesis subject and make the choice of your thesis advisor! 
     -(Form YL-01Form YL-02)
2nd Semester (Course phase)

- Take the remaining courses in order to complete 21 credits.
- "Scientific Research Techniques and Scientific Ethics" course is compulsory.
- Choose "M. Sc. Seminar" course. After the seminar presentation deliver, "Seminar Course Application Form (Form F-06)" to the Institute.
- Choose "M. Sc. Field of Specialization" course.
21 credits completed and succeeded Seminar course?
No-> 2. and 3. semester
3rd Semester (Thesis phase)

Students whose thesis subject is not determined can not choose "M. Sc. Thesis Research" course.
- Choose "M. Sc. Thesis Research" and "M. Sc. Field of Specialization" courses.
- Choose "M. Sc. Seminar" course, if you failed or did not take before.
4th Semester (Thesis phase)

- Choose "M. Sc. Thesis Research" and "M. Sc. Field of Specialization" courses.
- Choose "M. Sc. Seminar" course, if you failed or not take. (The student did not successfully complete or take seminar course, at the end of the fourth semester, will be dismissed from the university!!!)
Your thesis ready?
Will you take the
thesis defense exam?
No 4. and 5. semester

In order to graduate, it is necessary to have at least 7 courses, 21 credits and 120 ECTS.
Please contact with the department at least 30 days before the date of the thesis defense exam, which would be determined by "M. Sc. Defense Jury Proposal Form (Form YL-04)" and submit a copy of your thesis (just printout) to the institute.
The thesis draft prepared in accordance with the thesis writing guide must be sent to the institute and to the exam jury members at least 30 days before the examination date.
What is the result of the exam?
-  Make sure that the juries in your defense fill the "M. Sc. Defense Examination Report Form (Form YL-05)" and hand it to department.
You can graduate by completing "Graduation procedures" within at the least 1 month after the thesis defense exam date.
If you can not complete "Graduation procedures" within 1 month after the thesis defense exam date; and if you have a valid excuse, you can take an extra month with the Graduate School Administrative Board Resolution.
Did you complete
Graduation procedures?
- The student who has been given a correction for the thesis should make the necessary corrections within three months at the latest and defend his thesis in front of the same jury at the date, time and place offered by department and approved by the institute board.
- The student whose thesis is rejected, dissociated from the university 
Congratulations you graduated !!!!
Students who do not fulfill the necessary conditions can not take their diploma until the conditions are fulfilled, they can not benefit from the student's rights and they are dismissed if the maximum duration expires.

At the end of four semesters, the student who can not successfully complete the credited courses and seminar course included in the teaching plan will be dismissed from the university !!!

No 4. semester
Master with Thesis

Students who do not take the thesis defense exam within maximum time are dismissed from the institute. (The maximum period for Master's Degree is 6 semesters.)

No 6. semester